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1980 2 ȱο Ưä ּ ȱ ڱ 񼭿 .

ȸ 1980 5.18 702Ư 1 ߻ ݳο ù 40 л ι̴.

1982 ȱο ƯäǾ Ȱ ι̴.

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ڱ ̵ ڱ ڽ ̾ ο ˷ η.  


ڱ 2014 4 5 10ÿ ûʹ ϺĿ Ⱥǿ Ͽ ġ Ȳ ּ. ȸ ¿ Ͽ Ͽ.


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ѹα ׷ ְڴ° ׺ϴ .

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׷ ̾ ׵ ڱ ̷մ ȣϰ þ ̴. 

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2013 ȣ ħ ⿡ οݰ 12 ڼս ־.

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2015 1 û ؿ ػȸκ 2014 4 16 ȣ ħ 16000 Ͽ.

16000 ܼ οݰ Ǿ.

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4 12 û ؿ 뺸Ͽ.

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1991 2 Ư 702Ư 1( ȭõ . õ ó Ÿ δ뿡 .)Ϻ ̾. TV 豤 Ϻ ̾. ȱ 1 ̾ 1991 4 28 702뺻ο ¿ Ȼ() ߴ. ̶ ο ۵Ǿ.

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2014 4 8 ⹫ ó ߷ 蹫 ø ްڽ Ӻ â ߻縦 ȣ Ͽ


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1987 װ ̴.

⵵ Ưɺ Ư翡 Ȼ Ͽ 2 Ȱϰ 1992 ȱο Ͽ.

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ȱ. 1992 12~2017 8 ȰϿ.

2014 4 15 6ú 4 16 9ñ ڵ κ ȣ İ Ȳ 蹫 ϰ 蹫κ ޾ 忡 Ͽ.

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2014 4 15 ػ ȭ 9 30 õ׿ ȣ ̴ ¿ Ͽ.

̴̸ ü ũ.

2014 4 16 2 ȣ â ߻ ũθ 2 C4 500׷ ź ġϿ.

2014 4 16 8 50 ȣ ִ ũθ C4ź â ߻簡 ġ Ľ״.

ũθ 1800 İ ȣ Ұ Ͽ ȣ ħϿ ̾.

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2020 4 ȣ ùδü ȣ Ը Ͽ.

ݾ ȣ ׷ΰ ۵ƴٶ ϴ Ͽ.

2017 3 ڱ ź ÿ ȣ Կ 딫 ʵƴٴ ״ Ҹ þ Ҵ.

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з ־ ̴.

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ȣ ʾҴٸ C4ź з ȣ ̴.

ȣ CCTV ȭ ذ ̴.



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ڱ 2014 4 16 ȣ ħ 5ÿ д翡 ϴ ̿翡Լ Ӹ ޾Ҵ.

2017 ûȸ Ŀ Ӹ ޾Ҵٴ ̴.

2014 4 16 10ú ڽ Ͽ ȥ Ͽ ûʹ ǿ õ ÷ȴ. 

õ ø ƴ ŷƮ ȣ̴.

'' Ŀ 屺 ι̴.

ȣ ŷƮ Ȱϴ ŵ ι̴.

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ȼմ̶ з ι ûʹ ԱϹ ϵ ʴ մ̴. Ȱ̶ ̴.

ּ 2017 2 ڱ ź õ ڿ Ҿִ ȸǿ Ͽ ڿ Ͽ.   Ͽ Ҵ.

ź , 񼭰, ȣ 񼭰 õ ̿.

2017 2 ź ޽ ( 5.18 ֽù 4 л ι̴)ѱ ȸǿ Ƴ äA 񿵱ڿ Ͽ ø ް ʾҴ.

ȸ鵵 õ ˾ ûȸ ȸϿ. 


2017 3 ǥâ Ҿִ ȸǿ ȸǻ翡 ħ ڴ (Ī) ڱ ׸ ׸ Ͽ.

ڱ ȣ ħ ħ 10ÿ ڰ ־ٴ dz ׸̾.

ǥâ ⸸ߴ ̴.

ǥâ ȸǿ ź DZ ο.

ڱ ȣ ħ 2014 4 16 10ÿ õ ϱ ǥâ ڱ ڴ ׸ ϶ ûߴ ̾.



2017 8 347 ( 1ȣ)ڽ 2 ó ǽϿ Ͽ.  ִ ̴.


2020 5 ˾Ƽ ̶ ȣ Ŀ ۰ Ź ϰ ִ.




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